Administrative Ministry: Rita Burrell
Announcement Ministry:
Bus/Transportation Ministry: Thomas Davis
Card Ministry: Sister Beverly Edwards
The card ministry is about spreading the love to our christian families. Flowers are sent out to our bereaved families, Cards are sent out to our seniors to let them know they are not forgotten. A single card can bring a smile to someone’s face. The card ministry enjoys sending smiles.
Children’s Ministry
Culinary Ministry:
Custodial Ministry: Willy Hiley
Evangelism Outreach Ministry: Rev. Eugene Baker
Feed the Homeless Ministry: Jesse James
Health Ministry: Alyce Kennedy-Curl
Inspirational Choir: Sharmine Jennings
Laymen Ministry : George (Soup) Campbell
Maintenance/Grounds Ministry: George (Soup) Campbell
Media Ministry: Sister Kathleen Pugh and Brother Carlton Bannerman